Do you experience life as a maze or a labyrinth?

03.05.24 07:13 PM Comment(s) By Cathy

Learning the difference will change your experience of life itself

In 2019, I travelled around Europe for 4.5 months to discover the power of silence. I came back with the answer. For me, the answer are labyrinths. During the 2nd half of my trip and by following the messages from my daughter, I was shown something I had never seen before: a labyrinth. Knowing me, I dive into the subject. Gathered knowledge like a sponge, followed training, read books, get into it myself, meet top people in the world of labyrinths, .... After walking at least 30 labyrinths, I can say that I have felt the power and its effects.

In this article, I want to zoom in on an insight and that is: "your life story is 100% linked to your own worldview." That worldview is coloured and often linked to experiences from your childhood and young adulthood. Certain positive or negative experiences begin to shape that picture. The labyrinths story is the perfect representation of that. Labyrinths are often confused with mazes. Better known in our context. A maze is a mental guessing game. You constantly have to make choices and dead ends. You can make wrong choices, there are challenges on your path, you have stress and anxiety, want to find the centre like a contest you want to win. You live in duality where you constantly have to choose between a winning choice and a losing choice. The feeling is not really relaxing in a maze but it does give you a thrill when you have found the centre. Unfortunately, you have to go back out and the stress starts all over again.  How do you step outside the maze? Does anyone  recognise our rat race in this?

However, you can look at life differently. Namely what if life is like a labyrinth? 

You life intentionally. You walk life one step at a time. You know that each step or stumble, brings you closer to your centre and anything that doesn't belong to you falls away for the sequel. You focus on yourself, your feelings, your intention and others who are also walking their lives. Sometimes together then apart again. You walk and keep walking.
Sometimes you get close to your core or move further away from it. But finally you reach your core and want to dwell there in silence for a while. You deepen and feel an intense recognition and gratitude. you discover yourself like you never have before. You are excited and now want to start showing, feeling and living the new ‘I’ and you walk out. The same way in a different energy and in a different state. You meet people and you arrive at the exit liberated and recharged!

More on the technical fysical level these are the following differences between a maze and a labyrinth:
 entrance # exit entrance = exit
 dead ends in the pathwaysno dead ends
sequence of choicestrust and follow
 goal: to confuse goal: to get insight and focus
 essence: puzzle to solve essence: contemplation, medidation or ceremonial


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