Working with fingerlabyrinths
Are you a fan of labyirnths?
But there is no labyrinth in your neigbourhoud. Or it is to difficult to go to a public labyrinth?
You need a tool for instant healing of stress release for yourself or your client.
That's why working with a fingerlabyrinth is the solution to these challenges.

What are fingerlabyrinths?
Fingerlabyrinths are small versions of the bigger labyrinths who are build on the ground. You walk them with your finger in steed of your feet. They are made in different materials like wood, glass, cley or just printed on a paper A4. You can buy them online or download a free labyrinth here on this website to use and to experiment with.
In our search to discover to origin of labyrinths one off the first labyrinths are graved in stone on temples, churches and caves. The example you see on your left is a fingerlabyrinth on the St Hubertus Church, in Hern (Belgium).
Advantages of fingerlabyrinths
There are many advantages of working with fingerlabyrinths:
- instand focus
- easy to use
- practical
- stimulating for working of left and right brain
- perfect coaching tool
- emotional and mental balance
- ...

When to use them
Fingerlabyrinths can be used for personal use or as a tool in your coaching, therapy, educational or healing practice. It can be used when you feel an inbalance, You feel stuck, you need answers or as an opener for transformation and stress release. At the end of this page you can download a free fingerlabyinth based on a theme you want to work on.
How to use them
Walking a fingerlabyrinth is using one or two fingers to glide into the form. Two fingers are used in a double fingerlabyrinth like the Harmony form (reed below).
You can choose the finger you want to walk the labyrinth. Most common we use our index finger. Importent in walking the labyrinth is to keep the finger on the labyrinth, to stop in the center and without lifting up to go back to the exit.

Download a free fingerlabyrinth of your choice
In Neolabyrinthium we work with a selection of some labyrinth forms. For the fingerlabyrinths we work with the Cretan form, the Hopi form and my own double fingerlabyrinth of Harmony.
The Cretan form is used for personal development and general healing.
The Hopi form is used to restore balance and connection with your surroundings, earth and inner femininity.
The Harmony is to work on your dualities and create harmony and healing
On the button below you can download a free fingerlabyrint and recieve instructions how to use them. The instructions are in Dutch. If you want in another language let me know. They are in development.